Since the past decade, laser technology has made its way to the success level, helping millions of people across the world get rid of various types of health problems. and toenail fungus is not an exception here. According to the specialists in the field and data available, the laser has helped millions of people across the world get rid of the toenail fungus problem. So, we can say that toenail fungus laser treatment is a revolutionary discovery in the podiatry industry. While there were many skepticisms concerning its effectiveness, it has proven to be quite effective. Here in this blog, we’re going to discuss some common questions that will help you make a better choice on whether you should choose laser treatment for toenail fungus or not.
How much does it cost?
One of the most common questions that come to your mind when someone suggests laser treatment for toenail fungus is its pricing as laser treatments have usually been known to be costly. If we talk about the common cases of toenail fungus laser treatment when adopted early, it might cost around $1500 to $2500, but since the costs have dropped in modern times, so you can expect to pay something between $500 to $1200 or even lower for toenail fungus laser treatment.
How painful is the procedure?
Many people still have this type of question in their minds as most such treatment methods are painful, but this is not the case with laser treatment. It is not just about toenail fungus laser treatment, but the laser is also painless for all types of health issues like skin problems. At most, you might feel a slight pricking sensation during the laser toenail treatment. So, we can say that laser treatment for toenail fungus is a completely painless treatment that you can get.
How safe and effective is the procedure?
Since you are going to pay around USD 500 to 1000 for laser treatment to get rid of toenail fungus, you are sure to be worried about its results too. So, it becomes very important to know its results and safety for people opting for it. A fact about toenail fungus laser treatment is that this is a completely safe and effective procedure with no health or age restrictions. According to specialists in the field, laser treatment uses a special type of laser that passes light through the toenail surface without damaging the skin or nail.
How long does the procedure take?
The best part about toenail fungus laser treatment is that this is a quick process and the session for treating toenail fungus takes no longer than 10 minutes per toe. So, we can say that you can simply visit the clinic on your lunch break or while going back to your place after the office to get the session done and avoid toenail fungus without any downtime.
So, if you want to get rid of toenail fungus, the laser is the best choice to make for sure.