An Overview of the Surge in Cannabis Salessince 2020

There is an increase in the number of Americans purchasing cannabis now thanbefore the pandemic. The statistics showthat the increase insalesisbothin medicaland recreational cannabis. It is evidentthrough the revenue localgovernments are collecting from the industry.

Sales amidst the Pandemic

More statesin America allow the distributionand consumption of medical marijuana than that accepting marijuanafor leisure. Many industries were unsure oftheir future during the onset of the global COVID19 pandemic. It was the same feat in the cannabis industry as people were looking at the paralyzation of services. The initiative would have a devastating effect on cannabis users, but the States would consider the products essential.

The legal cannabis vendors would need to adapt to the changesand switch to e-commerce to continue their sales. For consumers, the purchase of cannabisproducts was much easier as you only require the internet to search and orderthe items. A person can search for dispensariesnearme to locate licensed vendors in the States allowing its consumption. The vendors would deliver the productsto areas less prone to the deadly virus, thus serving the cannabis users in their neighbourhood.

Ontheotherhand, a dispensary would have a pickup station where individuals can buy their medical and recreational cannabis. Stocking the supplies was the best option as it limits the numberof times you would go to the pot shops to restock. It limits the spread of the virus as it is minimal exposure through interaction with other people. Marijuana sales would surgeas more people were not going to work due to the moveforpeople to work remotely. 

The Industry’s Resilience

Although most people would expect a slump in cannabis sales, the industry was resilient. It was amazinghow the cannabis industry resisted the recession that most fields experienced. Businesses are struggling with the impact of the COVID19 pandemic as they tryto get back to profitability. Also, many ventures closed shops orwent underdue to the effects of the pandemic. However, the marijuana industrywasbooming at the time.

The Reasons for Business Boom

Due to governors consideringthe marijuana products essentials, the enterprises would venture into different markets during the pandemic. The moveled to increased salesin states like Coloradoand California, thereby creating aboomingindustry.Also, states like Arizona and Illinois would expand the scopeof the industry to accommodate the recreationaluses of marijuana. However,a person needed to have the legal ageto buy the products in the area.

Apartfrom the new business opportunities, there was an increase in new cannabis consumers during the pandemic. Even the existing consumers would increase their consumption during the period making the industry boom at the time. As the people were facing stress from the impact of the pandemic, cannabis was a wayfor people to cope. Morepeople were switching to the productscompared to othersubstances like alcohol.


Although marijuana sales were booming in different states among locals,there was a decline in tourist sales to tourists. The trend has continuedfor more than ayear since the world faced the pandemic. Still, things are slowly getting back tonormalcy with the development of a vaccine.

About Violet

Violet Rae Murphy: Violet, a biotech analyst, covers advances in health technology, biotech innovations, and the future of personalized medicine.
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